Monday, October 17, 2016


Hola Famila y amigos.

I got my first baptism this week!!!!! Leonel Sanchez. It was an amazing experience to witness. I am so happy and excited for him. His Mom sadly didnt get baptized this week but I am confident she will be in time. I can see Leonel being a missionary in a year. He is very funny and I consider him a great friend of mine.

We have these investigators, Rosa and Hector. Who are progressing very well. They said something great that testifies of the Holy Spirit. In translation she said " I am 50 years old I have talked to Catholics, Evangelists, and Jehovah's Witnesses all my life but talking with you guys I feel like I've known you all my life and the message you guys teach is oddly familiar with me.'' They are progressing and said they were going to try to quit smoking. But they didnt come to church........Grr.

Jose is progressing really fast. He should be baptized this next Saturday but his mom is hesistant and wants him to take more time before making this decision. Which is really understandable. We are going to talk to him tonight. Familia Sanchez has really been a great support to him also. We are thinking of maybe having Leonel baptize Jose.

I had Divisions with Elder Brundage, our district leader. Elder Brundage is very funny and we are very similar. We get along great and I learned a lot from him. He has helped me with my spanish and taught me some different things in teaching. We have the same humor its kind of odd haha.

We found this family who is friends with our Branch President. They are great, and want us to come back. They seem to have interest, I have confidence with them. We can use the Branch President as a member with us to help.

I played Soccer and Basketball last Monday with the Elders in Famailla and a lot of guys there who arent members. It was fun. Argentines are really good and aggresive at soccer but not good at basketball. I am not very good at basketball but I totally put in work against them. It was really funny. They play so different than Americans.

Funny Things:

Elder Brundage and I were contacting and a group of kids started Yelling WTF and were asking us what It meant. We told them to ask their english teacher. It was funny and caught us off guard.

A drunk guy was giving us a hard time in Barrio El Tejar (The rough part of our area) another Drunk guy came up got in Drunk Guy number 1s face and said HEY DONT MESS WITH THE STRONG ONE HIS NAME IS BATMAN. The roughest area in El Tejar, A lot of people know my last name. It's been helpful.

I love you guys, all is well here. You guys are on my mind all the time. Miss you.

Elder Batman

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