Monday, April 24, 2017

The last days in San Miguel de Tucuman

Yeah, so this coming week is transfers and I think it´s my time to leave here. I have really come to love Barrio Universitario. I will miss it very much. I love this place, and it will be hard to leave. I am trying not to think to much about it, because I want to work hard this last week and leave this area in great shape. We have made high goals so that we work hard because usually the last week of transfers everyone takes it a little of the throttle, but we don´t want to do that. We have put the goal to help one of our invesitagtors be baptized. We don´t know who will, but we are going to try our hardest.

This week was a little difficult we didn´t find as many new people as we wanted to. We need to get better at somethings, but Elder Garcia and I are on the same page and are willing to get better in the things we lack. We didn´t have an investigator come to church this week, which was dissappointing, but we had a lot of less actives come back this week which was good. Our ward is growing in attendance.

I want to share my testimony, and it will be in Spanish, so use GOOGLE TRANSLATE.

Yo quiero compartir mi testimonio que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera de Cristo. Yo sé que este iglesia fue restaurada a través del Profeta José Smith. Sé que José Smith era un Profeta de Dios, y que hoy día tenemos profeta viviente en Thomas S. Monson. Yo sé que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador, y que el vive. Sé que si sigamos su camino, seamos bendecidos. Yo sé que las familias puedan ser eternas mediante el plan de nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial. Yo sé que si sigamos El Evangelio de Jesucristo, que es tener Fe en Jesucristo, Arrepentirnos de Nuestros errores y pecados, Nos Bautizamos por medio de alguien que tiene lo correcto autoridad, Recibimos El Espíritu Santo, y preservamos hasta el fin, podamos entrar en la presencia de Nuestro Padre Celestial para siempre con nuestras familias. Yo sé que El Sacerdocio esta sobre la tierra, que es el poder y la autoridad a actuar en el nombre de Dios para la salvación de sus hijos. Yo sé que El Libro de Mormón es verdadero, y que podamos saber que estas cosas son verdaderas mediante leyéndolo. Yo sé que El Evangelio de Jesucristo ha cambiado mi vida por mejor y que todas los demás pueden también.  Sé que Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama y nos conoce. Él nos escucha cuando oremos. Sé que si tengamos fe nada es imposible. Esto dejo y comparto en el sagrado nombre de nuestro Salvador y Redentor, Jesucristo. Amén. 

Les Quiero mucho. Todo bien acá. 

Pizza with the Famila Caceres
Baby Aarón Trejo with my missionary placa.

I want to share my testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of Christ. I know that this church was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that today we have a living prophet in Thomas S. Monson. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that He lives. I know that if we go on, let us be blessed. I know that families can be eternal through the plan of our loving Heavenly Father. I know that if we follow The Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is to have Faith in Jesus Christ, Repent of our mistakes and sins, We are baptized through someone who has the right authority, We receive The Holy Spirit, and we preserve until the end, The presence of our Heavenly Father forever with our families. I know that The Priesthood is upon the earth, which is the power and authority to act in the name of God for the salvation of His children. I know that The Book of Mormon is true, and we can know that these things are true by reading it. I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed my life for the better and that all the others can too. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and knows us. He hears us when we pray. I know that if we have faith nothing is impossible. This I leave and share in the sacred name of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love them very much. All good here.

Élder Batman
Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
La Misión Argentina Salta

Monday, April 17, 2017


hola hola hola

So This week had it´s ups and downs. The advesary is working very hard on our ward here. It´s a struggle but we are willing to fight through. 

We are preparing two investigadoras to be baptized. Yuliana and Graciela. Graciela is 55 years old and has had a very hard life. She was atheist for a very long time. She has lost a son from a car accident, her dad was murdered, her husband left her for another woman, and many more trials. She is coming more closer to God and finds comfort that she can see her family again in the future and that through Jesus Christ she can find peace.

Yuliana is 15 and is very smart. She is from a family that has received the missionaries for a lot of time. They haven´t progressed in a lot of time but now she wants to find out more and be baptized. She has attended church two times back to back. She loves the church.

They are both preparing for the 29th to be baptized. And our district is baptizing well. BAUTISTRITO

We are working hard, but we can do a lot more. I have came to realize that I got to be better in somethings. When we are diligent and obedient we are blessed. 

Things are good here, much love. Gotta go.

Élder Batman
Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
La Misión Argentina Salta

Monday, April 10, 2017

Elder Beef y Elder Beans

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooola y buenas tardes Señores y Señoras.

This week was pretty dope. We are putting in a lot of work here with los chorros of Tucuman.  We are focusing a lot with finding more and more. We found 16 new investigators, through families that are less active and knockin doors. We felt very blessed. We entered into a lot of houses. 

Wednesday, We found a 10/10 family. We taught them and invited them to be baptized the first visit. They all accepted. (6 people) It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had. They cried, they liked what they heard, and they wanted to learn more. We set an appointment to return Saturday, and they were excited for us to return. When we came back they answered the door, and they gave us back the scriptures and pamphlets we gave them and told us that they are not interested and didn´t want us to come back..... It was such a shock. I was sure that this family was just so ready to progress and learn more about how Christ can help them in their life. I don´t know what happened, but we can´t control the free agency of others. It was very frustrating and a little sad. These kind of things happen in the life of a missionary. It´s frustrating at times, but you just gotta remember you helped them learn a little more about the truth and in the future they might learn more.

Elder Garcia and I are on fire. I feel like our companionship is on another level. We´re tearin it up here in Universitario. The unity we have is real. I feel like I got my best friend on my side, preachin the word with me. For how little time he has in the mission he has a lot of potential. I am excited to see where it takes him. When we teach it´s like we know what we are going to say. We got power when we teach, and it´s great. We still got a whole lot of work in front of us, but I believe we will leave a mark here that many will remember that Elder Beef and Elder Beans came into town.

Yeah, Garcia calls me Elder Beef. ( I don´t know why, maybe cause I´m a big dude idk) he called me that for a week and I called him Elder Beans, because he´s from Guatemala and they dig the frijoles. So the companionship of greatness was born. Beef and Beans.

Funny Things

I invite you to watch El Chavo those who know Spanish. You won´t regret it.

I ate cow tongue this week. It´s so goooooooood. Gotta love Argentina.

I ripped my pants the other day. And I couldn´t go back to change because we had a lot of appointments. I just said ah whatever and went with it. I got a lot of laughs from the chicas in the street. It´s all good. We had a lot of good lessons but one asked why I didn´t changed my pants, I said we had to visit you guys. And they were so happy that I thought they were more important than changing my ripped pants.

Elder Ferreira and Rodrigo ´Chicha´Gomez
I get the looks from my Mamá
Elder Beef and Elder Beans

Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama, y cuando acercarnos mas a él y su hijo amado Jesucristo, somos mas bendecidos. Les invito a pensar mas de nuestro Salvador durante este semana, puedan vistar para ver videos lindos de la pascua, sobre Jesucristo, que es el Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores, El Principe de Paz. Feliz Pascua. Él vive. ( I typed this half way and I realized it was in Spanish. So I just went with it)

Ciao con amor y cariño,

Élder Batman
Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
La Misión Argentina Salta

Monday, April 3, 2017

Keep On Rollin

What is up my amigos and familia, this week was pretty good, we baptized Santiago! I had the privilege of baptizing him and it was a great experience. He is excited to keep on learning and growing in the church. I hope he strives well to become more like Christ. 

We have baptisms lined up this transfer. We just got to help them get there. We are finding a lot of new investigators. Some that are ready to be baptized now, but we need to help them understand more of repentance and the importance of baptism. In Argentina it is fairly easy to baptize people, but it´s difficult to baptize CONVERTS. I am not here to baptize for number or for recognition. I am here to help others come unto Christ through repentance and accepting the Lord´s teachings and commandments, through conversion in prayer and reading the scriptures. I am here to baptize CONVERTS. I feel that we have 3 or 4 people that are getting close to being baptized. I know that the Lord is blessing us so much recently. I am very grateful for his hand in our work.

Conference was great, I feel very spiritually edified. I feel that I have recieved answers to my questions and guides to help better myself as a Missionary and Priesthood Holder. I loved the talk from Elder Rasband about following the Spirit, and how we MUST listen to the first impression we recieve from the Holy Spirit. We cannot second guess the third member of the Godhead. His promptings are for the salvation of the Children of God and we must be willing to follow them.

I love this area, and I really hope I won´t be transferred. I am willing to do whatever my mission president needs of me. I still feel like I haven´t finished making my mark here in Universitario. I still got 3 weeks left here, but there´s a whole lot of work to do. If we focus on the work of the Lord we will be blessed.

Funny Things

We played futbol today, in the rain and mud. It was two districts and we were just slipping and sliding out there. It was so fun, I forgot my camera though. I didn´t get a picture of the mess. (I´ll get back to you guys on that)

Dude someone threw a sac of flour at me from a window and it blew up on me.... I couldn´t find the chango who did it but man, that sucked


Baptism, Enzo, Familia Gomez, Conference

TODO BIEN ACÁ. Con amor y cariño,

Élder Batman

Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina