Monday, January 16, 2017

LA Tormenta

Buenas Tardes Familia, Amigos, y Changitos,

We had the biggest storm this week that I have ever seen in my life. A ton of wind, hail, torrential rain, thunder and lightning. We were having a family home evening in the house of Familia Caceres. When it all came at once. We had to wait for it to blow over. We arrived 45 minutes late at our pension because we had to wait for the storm to blow over. When it was over we walked in rain still through the rivers in the street. All of the lights were out in the neighborhood, and when there´s no light in this neighborhood there is no good. The only light was the lightning in the sky, there was so much, just constant electricity. It was a crazy sight to see. We arrived safe and sound but we it was the craziest storms I have seen. There was trees knocked over the next day and floods in the streets still.

So Miguel didn´t get baptized this week cause he had to work. But he will get baptized this week with his nephew Joaquin! They are so ready and excited. They are progressing very well and excited to recieve more of what The Lord has in plan for them.

We have found a lot of investigators this week. All from different backrounds, rich and poor, old and young, innocent and troublesome. Most of them have a desire to change and better themselves by following Christ. We hope we can help them to get to the desires that they want. We found a chosen Familia this week. Familia De La Silva. Gustavo, the father of the familia, was outside and watching us walk and knock doors. He told us to come in from the other side of the street and have some water cause it was very hot. He talked with us and has family that are LDS. He wants to find change in his life and for his family to be more in unity.

We came back a couple days later and taught about the Restaration (I think thats how you spell it in English, I have forgotten) They were full of tears and feel like this is the path for them. They couldn´t attend church this week but we have another appointment with them tomorrow. they have a lot of potential. I hope we can get them to where they want to be.


empanadas, Joaquin y Melina Santucho
Ana Caceres y Miguel Santucho
Hector Caceres, Miguel y Villanueva doing the dougie?
Hard at work
´´he does the teaching and I do the working¨
I work at times

I love you guys ciao!

Elder Batman

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