Monday, January 23, 2017

Cockroach Yogurt

Hola Familia, Amigos, y Changitos,

This week was very good, we had Zone Conference, Interviews, Progress in Investigators, and MIGUEL WAS BAPTIZED!

Zone Conference was good I learned a lot. I need to teach more in the street. I learned that I don´t need to ask to teach when I meet someone, but rather that I should just start teaching from the getgo. It´s helped a bit, we didn´t find many new people to teach this week but we are moving along! Zone Conference was very focused on obedience, I feel like my obedience has been falling a little. This was a good reminder to stay obedient and the blessings are there for those that are obedient. I know there are blessings to the obedient, and we need all the blessings we can get in the work of The Lord. My interview with President was short but good. He´s happy with my work and how my area is doing.  President really has a lot of love and care for the mission.

Familia De La Silva. They are chosen ones. Ones that I really believe the Lord has prepared them to listen to us. People that are ready to begin the journey on the path of the Lord. They are progressing very well. They didn´t accept a date to be baptized because they want to have a confirmation in the hearts that this is the truth. But they are reading the book of mormon and are very intrigued with the lessons. I really hope we can help them to progress.

MIGUEL WAS BAPTIZED. It was so great to see. Miguel is a great guy. I have really seen a lot of change in him in such short time. The service was very powerful and uplifting. His wife is a recent convert and they are just so happy. She is so happy that her husband has found the truth that this really is the true church of Jesus Christ, that this is the path that he needs to take. Melina, Miguel´s wife. Bore her testimony after the baptism. It was so powerful and had so much love for Miguel. I am so happy for him. I´ve really come to love la Familia Santucho. Joaquin, the nephew of Miguel, will be baptized this Saturday!  Being a missionary is the best.

Funny Things

Was drinking Yogurt and there was something half way in my mouth and I looked and it was a dead cockroach. Yum. I tried not to make a big deal out of it because a family of members gave me the yogurt and we were in their house. So when nobody was looking I took the cockroach out of the cup and drank the rest of the yogurt.....Gross I know. It´s Tucuman.

I´m getting better at soccer but I got a lead foot. The first 30 seconds of the game we had with members I kicked the ball over the fence. Such a gringo thing to do.

We were contacting a woman in the street and she told me that there husband had cancer and I said without thinking de diez (which means like awesome, great) and began teaching. Yeah it wasnt de diez, she got offended and was trying to explain that I was just said it without thinking.  Yeah we didn´t get to an appointment for another day.

​​​​Bautismo de Miguel Santucho
Elder Told y Elder Harris (MTC DISTRICT)
Familia Santucho y Caceres

Ciao, Con amor!
Elder Batman

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