Monday, March 6, 2017

It's What To Expect In Tucumán

Hola familia,

This week was pretty good not gonna lie.
We are finding new people, and people are progressing!
Patricio, the new investigador from last week, is progressing well.
We are helping him to quit smoking, and he is doing well. He still smokes one every one or two days, but hey its a lot of progress. I am confident that he will leave it this next week!
Santiago, who will be baptized the 18th of March, will return from Buenos Aires tomorrow. HE IS A STUD AND HAS BEEN ATTENDING CHURCH IN BUENOS AIRES! QUE CAPO! I am excited to teach him more and progress him more for his baptism!

This week my faith grew a lot with fasting and prayer.
It was so weird. We started a fast the other day to improve ourselves and during the fast I have never felt so powerful in my teaching. Like my words had so much power and feeling. It was incredible, I felt like I really was a vessel of the Spirit. Like the words were not mine, but rather of the Spirit. It was incredible, and was an answer to my prayer through fasting and prayer. I have a lot to improve on, and I know I can do a whole lot better. I still lack so much, but I know if we humble ourselves and we can become better, he can make our weaknesses become stronger.

Interesting things

I was ALMOST ROBBED this week. I was walking and a guy on a motorcycle tried to grab my backpack but couldnt get a grip and zoomed past. Its happening a lot here. They are robbing a lot of peoples bags, purses, and backpacks, on motos. They sell them for 100 pesos for drugs. They didnt get me this time.

I talked with some dude in the street and he said that he doesnt believe in God but he believes that Maradona is God. (Diego Maradona is a legendary soccer player of Argentina in the past) Futbol is a religion here folks.

Someone threw a waterballoon at me for Carnaval. I was riding soaked all day. dang changos

I am awkward
Selfies with Barbi
Victor wants an empanada


Elder Batman

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