Monday, February 13, 2017


Hola familia,

This week was really really good. We are working like dogs. 27 lessons this week. The most I´ve had in my mission. AND TOTAL WITH MEMBERS PRESENT. Our ward is now trying to help a lot in the work of the missionary. It really makes a huge difference to have a member with you. A third person testifying the truth of this gospel. We have noticed the progress in our investigadores and how much more receptive they are when we have members helping us. 

Elder Corbalan, is a stud. My companion is a mini missionary. A mini missionary doesn´t serve for 18 months to 2 years.  A mini missionary serves only for 6 weeks to try out the mission, and when we don´t have sufficient missionaries. Elder Corbalan has only 17 years. I feel old, being 20. His testimony is really strong and is a very spiritual guy. We get along well. I feel like he´s like a little brother. He´s got a very good attitude and is very humble. He really showed me his faith and strength this week. His aunt that he was really close to passed away the Wednesday before. IN HIS THIRD DAY IN THE MISSION. He was very sad and distressed, and he was given the option to go home. He called his family and told them that he had a work to do here in Tucumán for the Lord. I asked if he wanted time to recuperate and he said no, lets get to work. I was shocked. The Faith that this 17 year old kid has. He doesn´t really know how to teach and is still trying to learn I am basically training him, but his willingness to serve is tremendously strong. People told me before that having a mini missionary as a companion is really hard and that a lot is put on your back. But really I can say that I am learning from him as well, its not important that I teach 95 percent in the lessons or that he doesn´t know how to do a street contact. But he´s out here trying to serve the Lord.

We have been praying and trying really hard to find new investigadores that can progress. And we´ve had to change somethings and try harder. And the blessings came at the very end. We found Saturday and Sunday and two that asked if they can be baptized. Thiago and Micaela. They will be baptized the 25th. They are part of the Santucho Family and have listened but didn´t really want anything. Now, they are ready. I think it´s how it is, the Lord wants us to try harder sometimes for the things we want. And when we are willing to put in the work and  show our faith he will bless us. We found 9 this week. And there is a lot of potential here. I hope we can help these investigadores to be baptized and find the blessings the Lord has in store for them.

Funny Things

A drunk guy stopped us in the street and was talking about how God strengthens him to lift weights? He kept saying La FUERRRRRRRRRZZZAAAAAAA. Rolling the R way too much. Not to mention that his breath reeked of liquor.

Its apparently my fault the BAD THINGS that we do in America, because I´m from the United States and that because I´m from there.....

Muchas gracias, Toda bien acà. Ciao con amor,

Élder Batman

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