Where do I even begin. This week was just so interesting.
We had Leadership Counsel in Salta Capital. We had to travel 5 hours Monday Night, we got to stay in a hotel and it was great to see a lot of buds in the mission. The counsel was so awesome and spiritual. President focused on diligence and the power of the Book of Mormon. The diligence part was so strong. He talked about enduring to the end. That our mission needs to be an enduring to the end mission. A mission that keeps going even when times are tough of the odds are against you. A mission that when there´s little time to work they maximize it to the best of their ability. President Orquera testified of it and shared a very inspired quote from THEODORE ROOSEVELT :
¨It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.¨
President cried saying how he´s tried to live that in his life. And that he may have failed many times but he´s always gone down fighting, trying, and doing his best. We must all do that in our missions and we must all do that in life.
Matthew 10:22 says:
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
People will criticize our success and our efforts. We will be mocked for our failures and short comings. BUT WE MUST ALWAYS KEEP GOING, KEEP FIGHTING, AND ENDURE! It really motivated me to really maximize these last few months I have left as a full time missionary and representative of Jesus Christ.
Monday and Tuesday we couldn´t work due to traveling. Wednesday we could work and find 7 new investigators! We could also help Franco, Laura, and Morena to keep progressing they are still excited to get married and baptized as a family the 17th! SUPER CAPOS!
I have been sick for a week and a half. I´ve been trying to keep going and going and I had been but Thursday was just terrible and after working for a bit I had to go to the hospital and get some rest up before our zone conference Friday. I was able to lead the conference well but the AC was broken in our chapel and it was like 100 degrees with like 60 percent humidity. It was terrible.
So in Oran, there has been civil unrest because an amercian company laid of 200 workers at a sugar factory and they are mad and are cutting the highway so noone can pass and are rioting against the police and causing a huge mess. Everyone arrived safely for the conference friday but couldn´t leave Friday Night because no bus could leave. So 16 missionaries had to stay in Oran for the night. They took the bus 5am but they were turned around because the highway was still occupied by the rioters.
So We had no time to work in our area because we had to find a way for the missionaries to leave with the coordination of President. We called buses, taxis, everything and nothing was working. We prayed fervently to find a way for the missionaries to get home safely without having to stop in the town of the civil unrest, called Hipito Yirigoyen. After a lot of searching we found a man in a restaurant who said he could take the 16 missionaries to Pichanal. We had to pay him 1500 pesos. It was a miracle. We literally searched everywhere. And it finally worked.
I know that was a lesson learned on diligence and trying your best even when times are tough and there isn´t a lot of time. We did our best to help our zone and the mission to be safe and the Lord guided us to find the way.
I am thankful for this week. It was hard, but with the time we were given we could find 10 new investigators and help our investigators to get to church. This area is progressing. The zone is preparing 5 baptisms this week and we put the goal of 8 for the month of March. Franco, Laura, and Morena will be baptized the 17th in our area. They are awesome!
All is well, Just tired over here.
Love you guys.
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