Monday, May 22, 2017

Eyes of Charity

Hey guys.

This week was pretty great.

Graciela didn´t get baptized, but she will be baptized this Saturday. She had a rough week. As if the advesary knew she was going to be baptized, he put a lot of obstacles and detours this week. But she is excited and ready for her baptism, and just as much sure about it as before.

We found a golden investigator. And at first glance you wouldn´t think so. I learned a great lesson this week. We recieved a reference for Gabriel. Gabriel is a friend of a less active boy in our ward, Rodrigo. Rodrigo is 14, and Gabriel is 18. I have seen Gabriel probably 10 times before in the street smoking cigarettes. He has got a lot of piercings, and his hair died in different ways. I judged him. I looked at him with my eyes and not the way God sees him. I was so wrong. He started smoking in January because his Dad passed away the day after Christmas. He´s never been baptized in any church and he wants to change.

 We taught him about the God´s Plan for us and he was very happy to know he would see his father again. We taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him and how that is a crucial role in returning with our families forever.  We felt very strongly to invite him to be baptized on June 3rd, just after the first lesson. He said without doubt in his voice yes. We returned the next day and he told us that he had already invited all of us his friends to his baptism and that he´s really excited for it. We invited him and Rodrigo to live the word of wisdom by quitting smoking. They are trying hard to quit and I know they will quit completely in the next couple of days.
 We told them that there is seminary in the church at 8pm Tuesdays to Fridays. And Friday after our second lesson they went! And they plan to come back Tuesday! They went to church Sunday and they loved it.  They said that going on a mission is a desire that they have.

God really had prepared this guy, and before I judged him saying to myself that he won´t accept the gospel. NO, THE GOSPEL IS FOR EVERYONE. We must invite EVERYONE. We must look at people with eyes of Charity. We need try to look at people the way God sees them. With Eyes of Christ. I learned a valuable lesson. I find that the mission is humbling me more and more every week. I am thankful for the blessings I have recieved and the lessons I have learned. My testimony is growing every day. There is such joy in bring souls to Christ.

Élder Batman
Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
La Misión Argentina Salta

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