Feliz año nuevo!
This week was great. We are working like dogs, we had a ton of lessons this week. It is so hot here. It is high 30's low 40's. IN CELSIUS. (which is 98 to 111 degrees) With 60 PERCENT HUMIDITY. I have never sweat so much in my life, and I have never been so exhausted. But it feels so good, We feel very accomplished.
This area has so much potential. Our investigators are very prepared to be baptized very soon. Familia Santucho, they are just great. Melina Santucho was just baptized and her husband, Miguel, sees and feels the difference and happiness that the iglesia has. He has commited to be baptized the 14th. His sister, Emilse. Wants to be baptized too, and has found her testimony. Her and her Husband need to be married first before she can. Probably in February. They are so great, and they have found so much joy in the gospel.
The nephew of Miguel, wants to be baptized too. He will be baptized on the 28. We are trying are best to help them arrive at their baptisms.
The ward is not as strong here, but that´s okay. We will work hard, and help them. We had New Year´s eve with La Familia Trejo. They are recent converts and are very strong. Exequiel is 24, and he is our ward mission leader. He is doing his mission papers right now and he really is a stud. I get along well with him. We ate dinner with them until 11 and they took us home in their car. New Years is really dangerous here in the streets. A lot of drinking and drugs. The fireworks are real here. It was really a sight to see. The Elders and I of our district slept on the roof of our house watching the fireworks. It was really great, but we could not sleep. The music was playing all night in the streets. I woke up in the middle of the night and realzied how stupid it was that we slept on the the roof, because they shoot their guns in the air, when it´s midnight. But we survived.
FAMILIA SANCHEZ from Monteros came to my ward in Universitario. I was so happy to see them. They are doing very good, One P day I will go visit them and the people of monteros because we are very close to Monteros.
This week was good Elder Villanueva and I are working hard. This area is great, and their is a lot of stress of being Senior Comp but I love it.
(I don´t have any photos this week, My new area is sketch so I haven´t brought my camera with me, but mom will post some from Christmas.)
Elder Batman
P.S. Dad...You have the Power to act in the name of the Lord, when you read the scriptures daily you are fortifying your ability to listen to the spirit and act upon you Priesthood.

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