I have been transferred! I am now in Mitre 1, which is in Salta Capital. It is about 5 hours away from Monteros. I am now about 20 minutes away from the Mission Office. This area has about 150 people attending in the Barrio. I am no longer part of a Rama. We have an actual chapel, with a font! This area has a lot of investigators and the members are very willing to work. We should have members with us a lot. The reason it is called Mitre 1 is because there is another compañerismo en our barrio also. Our District Leader lives with us in our pension. He is going to train, he will have his hijo this Wednesday. They are in Mitre 2. I think it will be fun living with another compañerismo.
I have a new compañero. Elder José Barboza. He has 3 transfers left in the mission. He is from Lima, Peru. He will help me so much with my Spanish. He is a stud, and I will learn a lot from him. He is organized and has a good attitude. I am excited to work in Salta. I am really going to miss Monteros. It was weird. I had this weird feeling all week that I was going to leave. Which is very uncommon. Usually you stay one or more transfers more after training. Elder Cloud is now District Leader in Monteros.
I have a new compañero. Elder José Barboza. He has 3 transfers left in the mission. He is from Lima, Peru. He will help me so much with my Spanish. He is a stud, and I will learn a lot from him. He is organized and has a good attitude. I am excited to work in Salta. I am really going to miss Monteros. It was weird. I had this weird feeling all week that I was going to leave. Which is very uncommon. Usually you stay one or more transfers more after training. Elder Cloud is now District Leader in Monteros.
I am really going to miss Familia Sanchez, and the Familia de Jose. Eva accepted to be baptized this week. She will be baptized on Dec 8 which is the Day of The Virgin Mary. She is leaving her Catholic roots behind on a symbolic day. Shes theatrical, I am sad I will miss her baptism but I am excited that she will be baptized. Leonel has been a really good friend to me and I will really miss messing with him. I hope he serves a mission. He would be great. I really hope José continues to progress in the Gospel, and become a priesthood holder. I will miss the opportunity to see him recieve the Priesthood in December, but oh well. I know he is in good hands.
I am going to miss Elder Cloud. We had our ups and downs but I really learned a lot from him and we taught well together. He has taught me a lot about the work of a missionary and helped my spanish to be up to par. I know he will amount to great things.
Funny Interesting Things
Elder Cloud were on a bus and a whole team of a 16 to 18 year old Womens Soccer Team came on the bus. I have never really been sexually harrassed before in my life, but man in Argentina its an every other day occurance. On the bus they kept yelling stuff at us cat calling us or so to speak. Telling us to stay on the bus. And two smacked my butt......... Dude, they are ruthless here. WE WERE IN REALITY IN THE SNAKE PIT.
I have decided I am going to buy one jersey from every area in my mission. I bought a Club Atletico San Martin Jersey. I had Leonel get it for me and to my suprise he got my last name put on it and my number in football (1).
I have definitely gained weight here, for some reason in the beginning I was losing weight like crazy and then I have gained it back. I have lost a lot of muscle and gained fat. I havent had a healthy meal in like 4 months. Everything is either greasy, fried, oily, or sugary. I am being more careful about what I eat when I have the choice to pick what I want to eat. But with lunches its rough.
When you have gained weight, THEY WILL TELL YOU. (Elder Batman, usted es a poco mas gordito) YA FUE!
Miss you all, Love you guys! You guys are in my thoughts and Prayers.
Elder Batman

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