This week had a lot of work, and we're chugging along. We are teaching a lot with members and there testimonies and willingness to work has helped out a lot. Right now, we've kind of hit a wall with finding new investigators. Any of them we've found are either not progressing or are never around. We're gonna try some different things and see how it goes this week. VAMOS
The Mom of José has a lot of interest in the Gospel. She said seeing her son being baptized was one of the greatest feeling shes ever had. She was curious how I felt when I baptized her son. I told her that it was one of the most amazing experiences I have had in my life. She said that she has seen the change in her son and that he has been such a blessing in the home. She wants José to be a missionary some day and bring the blessings to other people. She likes to read the Book of Mormon. She is just so busy and hard to find. She is the sister of our other investigator Hector. The two families are close. One problem we have though is that Josés Mom, Feliza. and Rosa are SCARED OF GOING UNDERWATER. That is one road block ahead of us right now with progressing towards the goal of baptism.....
On Saturday, we forgot that it was fast Sunday the next day. So we didnt start our fast until 10 o clock in the night Saturday. Normally we start at like 4 on Saturdays so we can eat Dinner on Sunday. Yesterday was the real struggle. We had investigators and members offering us food and juice and water, and we had to decline because of our fast. Fasting when it is that hot and humid out was so hard, but the purpose of my fast helped me to endure. BUT MAN I WAS THIRSTY. My testimony of fasting has grown tremendously in the mission, and I have seen the blessings that have came from it in abundance.
During testimony meeting yesterday, José bore this testimony. And that was one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard. For an 11 year old boy, he is incredible. His testimony of how the Gospel has changed his life and his testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ was a feeling so powerful. His testimony really motivated a lot of the member of our little branch. They were all so moved by it. I am so proud of him and his progress. He will be a missionary some day.
This weeks been hard. I really believe The Lord is testing me, he wants me to work harder. I believe that he really helped us with our baptisms earlier. But now I believe he wants us to work much much more for it. We are making the changes necessary to find success here. I will keep working. I love this work but it is so hard sometimes. I wish having the ability to do what I want to. But Its okay. I chose this and I love it and my testimony of my savior grows more and more each day with the work. I am seeing miracles big and small every day. My testimony of prayer has grown tremendously and the importance of searching the scriptures. We really need all the help we can In these last days.
Funny Things
I am becoming a Tucumáno with my Spanish, I am developing there kind of way of speaking spanish without even realizing it. It just kind of comes. Tucumános are very slang heavy in their Spanish, I dont say thaty because as missionaries we have to speak proper and formally, but I defintely got the Tucumáno accent down. An example of what a Tucumáno says (I DO NOT TALK LIKE THIS)
Normal Ha Visto (Have you seen) Tucumáno Habeatoh....It took me so long to understand them, I finally can.
Our Elders Quorum President, Patricio, is learning to become an English professor. But hes going to a school that learns England English. Its really funny to hear him talk and the words he says. Hes got a long way to go, we are helping him out. But picture a Latino trying to speak in a British accent, its hilarious.
Dani, one of our members, says a lot of English slang to me that he sees on the Internet. Since he has a Latino Accent and pronounces it as such its funny to hear. He says Whats up buddy to me but its like WASSUP BOODEE. I am teaching him the ways, but its really funny.
I really got to work on not being so sarcastic, oh well, VAMOS
Todo bien acá, Les Quiero. Nos Vemos.
Elder Batman
Elder Clouds drawing for my Missionary Autograph Book.