Hey guys,
This week has been interesting to say the least and has had it´s up´s and down´s of which I´ve learned a lot.
Something I have struggled with on my mission is working with the members and my companion and I are really focusing on how to make the work more efficient with trying to work with the ward more. I love building trust with the members but I haven´t been one to involve them much in the work. We are focusing on that more and we are seeing a difference. Members have been going out with us to work, meeting us at appointments, family home evenings, etc. It´s helping the work a lot and helping our investigators. It´s helping me a ton with my organization.
I am thankful for this ward.
We had a multi-zone conference and It was awesome to see a lot of missionaries. We talked about the importance of maximizing our studies and being obedient with exactness. It was very spiritual and I have
put some goals to better improve myself.
I am new to Solis Pizarro and I keep hearing from other missionaries when they figure out where I am at and they´re like ¨Oh, I heard that´s a hard area.¨ ,´´I heard that area was pretty dead.¨¨ etc.
It´s a lot like when I was in Monterrico. I always heard bad things about the area and I let it get to me. When the success was lacking, I started to blame the lack of success on the things what others said. Looking back, I wish I wouldn´t have let that get to me. Because In reality, when we are faced with adversity we always have the decision to make the most of the situation or not. I did not work to the most potential or optimism I could have in Monterrico.
It does not matter what everyone says about the situation you are in. We always can look on the positive and make the most of what you have. We can always have success even when the trials come.
The work is grinding. It´s grinding slowly, but it´s moving along. I love Solis Pizarro and I WILL not let anyone change that state of mind. Success is a state of mind. We have to trust the Lord even in our afflictions. We can always pray to him for the help we need to keep moving forward. I have really come to establish even more a relationship with my Heavenly Father. I know he hears me. I know he strengthens me. He motivates me. When we are troubled with the lack of success or adversity the Lord asks us to go further and he then gives us the success.
Now when our hearts were depre ssed, and we were about to tur n back, behold, the Lord comfo rted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the (ARGENTNES), and bear with pat ience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.
(ALMA 26:27)
*Lamanites changed to Argentines
I know this to be true. I know the Lord gives us the success. Attitude is Everything. Success is a State of Mind.
We found a beautiful family. The Gutierrez Family and we have had a couple lessons with him. Juan Gabriel is very smart guy. He´s 21 and is physically disabled. To testify to him that he will recieve a perfect body after this life was one of the most powerful moments ever. He was so happy to find out that restored gospel truth. I know there is potential there.
I love you guys, and appreciate your prayers.
Elder Parker, Antonio, and Ciro
The District
The Fab Five (shout out to Kevin the Egyptian)
Elder Wolf (WOLFFLOW)
Élder Batman
Barrio Solis Pizarro
Salta Capital
La Misión Argentina Salta
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