Yeah, so this coming week is transfers and I think it´s my time to leave here. I have really come to love Barrio Universitario. I will miss it very much. I love this place, and it will be hard to leave. I am trying not to think to much about it, because I want to work hard this last week and leave this area in great shape. We have made high goals so that we work hard because usually the last week of transfers everyone takes it a little of the throttle, but we don´t want to do that. We have put the goal to help one of our invesitagtors be baptized. We don´t know who will, but we are going to try our hardest.
This week was a little difficult we didn´t find as many new people as we wanted to. We need to get better at somethings, but Elder Garcia and I are on the same page and are willing to get better in the things we lack. We didn´t have an investigator come to church this week, which was dissappointing, but we had a lot of less actives come back this week which was good. Our ward is growing in attendance.
I want to share my testimony, and it will be in Spanish, so use GOOGLE TRANSLATE.
Yo quiero compartir mi testimonio que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera de Cristo. Yo sé que este iglesia fue restaurada a través del Profeta José Smith. Sé que José Smith era un Profeta de Dios, y que hoy día tenemos profeta viviente en Thomas S. Monson. Yo sé que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador, y que el vive. Sé que si sigamos su camino, seamos bendecidos. Yo sé que las familias puedan ser eternas mediante el plan de nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial. Yo sé que si sigamos El Evangelio de Jesucristo, que es tener Fe en Jesucristo, Arrepentirnos de Nuestros errores y pecados, Nos Bautizamos por medio de alguien que tiene lo correcto autoridad, Recibimos El Espíritu Santo, y preservamos hasta el fin, podamos entrar en la presencia de Nuestro Padre Celestial para siempre con nuestras familias. Yo sé que El Sacerdocio esta sobre la tierra, que es el poder y la autoridad a actuar en el nombre de Dios para la salvación de sus hijos. Yo sé que El Libro de Mormón es verdadero, y que podamos saber que estas cosas son verdaderas mediante leyéndolo. Yo sé que El Evangelio de Jesucristo ha cambiado mi vida por mejor y que todas los demás pueden también. Sé que Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama y nos conoce. Él nos escucha cuando oremos. Sé que si tengamos fe nada es imposible. Esto dejo y comparto en el sagrado nombre de nuestro Salvador y Redentor, Jesucristo. Amén.
Les Quiero mucho. Todo bien acá.
Pizza with the Famila Caceres
Baby Aarón Trejo with my missionary placa.
I want to share my testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of Christ. I know that this church was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that today we have a living prophet in Thomas S. Monson. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that He lives. I know that if we go on, let us be blessed. I know that families can be eternal through the plan of our loving Heavenly Father. I know that if we follow The Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is to have Faith in Jesus Christ, Repent of our mistakes and sins, We are baptized through someone who has the right authority, We receive The Holy Spirit, and we preserve until the end, The presence of our Heavenly Father forever with our families. I know that The Priesthood is upon the earth, which is the power and authority to act in the name of God for the salvation of His children. I know that The Book of Mormon is true, and we can know that these things are true by reading it. I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed my life for the better and that all the others can too. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and knows us. He hears us when we pray. I know that if we have faith nothing is impossible. This I leave and share in the sacred name of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I love them very much. All good here.
Élder Batman
Barrio Universitario
San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
La Misión Argentina Salta